Greenwich Sustainability Committee
Gardeners, environmentalists, cyclists and others interested in sustainability in Greenwich should consider joining the Greenwich Sustainability Committee (GSC).
Gardeners, environmentalists, cyclists and others interested in sustainability in Greenwich should consider joining the Greenwich Sustainability Committee (GSC).
We are in the midst of a historic opportunity to begin the process of eradicating the systemic, institutionalized racism and injustice that has afflicted Black people and other marginalized communities.
Our nation’s electoral systems desperately need attention.
If you’re interested in how our town works and you want to be involved, this article is for you!
A huge swath of Greenwich has a huge hole in fire coverage. Lives and property in the large northwest corner continue to be at risk due to slow response times and the lack of professional firefighters.
As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” We know exactly where our candidates on both sides stand on the environment.
The agenda, or “Call”, for the September 21st, 2020 RTM meeting is packed with 39 items affecting all areas of town governance.
The average residential hauling bill has increased by 27% (31% including the new permit fee), more than twice as much as estimated by the team that proposed the tipping fee solution.
The final word on most important decisions the Town makes, including the Town budget, is the Representative Town Meeting (RTM)
Today, when a prosperous town needs a capital improvement, such as a school, they will issue a long-term municipal bond to pay for it.